another blog?
If I were to start another blog at this point, I think I would write about people who studied architecture but then went in a different direction in their lives/careers. I would post photos of all the cool things they've created or accomplished, and maybe have some interviews to see why they left architecture and how architecture has influenced them. I think this would be a LOT of us ex-CADmonkeys. Does it say something that out of everybody I knew in school, maybe about 75% are not working in the field anymore? Or if they are still working in the field, they harbor dreams of transferring to a different one?
Anyway. Just some food for thought (for me anyway). And I guess this is somewhat related - I was reading one of my many subscriptions to design blogs when I came across the designLAB's a shop purveying interesting vintage goods, as well as other home furnishings/accessories made by independent artists. It was created/is owned by Cara Piscitello, who has a degree in arch and now runs (co-runs?) an architecture+design studio in Bellingham, Washington. I looked through some of the items they're offering in their online shop and I have to say - I'm in love! I think the Asian Mommy in me is surfacing because I am totally coveting these pyrex dishes!

What can I say? There's something about these clean colors that is just so attractive...
Anyway, check it out (link above)!
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