work break
So call me a whiner...but don't you hate when you've been working on something for a long, long, longass time, maybe staring at it until your eyes are all blurry and your back aches like you're eight months finally decide you're done...
...and then, while you are cleaning up and feeling relieved that you are finally, finally, FINALLYYYY discover...that...YOU DIDN'T FULFILL ALL THE REQUIREMENTS AND YOU STILL HAVE A SHITLOAD OF WORK TO DO???!!!
Sigh. Yes, I know, not even close to the end of the world. I just went to read some Tokyomango (a blog introduced to me by a coworker, and which I continue to read occasionally), and the recent post on this annual festival really helped me put things in perspective...

(I shamelessly stole this picture from her site. Check it out - linked above.)
PS. - I watched Gilda today. Talk about sexual tension. Now I want to watch other Rita Hayworth films.
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