Thursday, November 29, 2007

carpetbagger chic

I tend to like grandma chic. There's nothing wrong with that. Do you think this carpetbag satchel (they call it the "sweater satchel" but really, I don't know anyone who would wear this as a sweater...well ok, maybe my mom) is taking it too far?

I think Anthropologie has an unfair monopoly over this quirky cutesy stuff. I am staring at their chickadee egg cup and chuckling to myself. Know anybody who'd want and/or use this?

And there's also a dress I really usual...

Sigh. I can't be spending money right now. But but but...

Diana: omg
that's so cheap!!
i mean
not really
but if you think about anthro
and then h amd m prices
h and m
sells dresses for 60
and this is anthro
isn't it?
me: yeah
oh dear
i am so tempted
but i cannot shop anymore!!!
Diana: i feel like it is a steal

Diana, you are NOT helping. Aaagghghhhh!


At 9:28 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

the chickadee cups remind me of the dancing eggs and shiou-nu (circa 2000 - chinese school research paper era?) haha

At 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

they're selling those egg-pants at the moma store.


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