Thursday, June 14, 2007

cancer park

Has everyone been to Cancer Park in Fremont? It's that little park behind the fire station off Paseo. I went there this morning with Deb, on an ill-fated badminton date. We attempted to play (quite earnestly) on the grassy field next to the parking lot. During the two hours we were there, about four cars drove in, parked, and just sat there. I have no idea what the drivers were doing (other than watch Deb and I make fools of ourselves), but this occurrence further cements my hypothesis that people go to the park to carry on illicit drug deals. Seriously, all those vans with darkened windows?? Who knows what activities are taking place in their murky depths. Yes, even at 11am on Thursdays.

In other random news, lately I've been feeling a little overpowered by the proliferation of third-party applications on Facebook. As a hardworking Facebook stalker, I'm finding it discouraging (to say the least) that it's becoming more and more difficult to keep track of people I don't really know because there are just too many things going on. What is this "I am Hungry" application? And "Movies" (more self-explanatory, I suppose, but still), or "iLike" or "Graffiti" or "Top Friends" or or or...?? I mean, really, how am I supposed to continue stalking people who are unaware of my existence under these conditions? If this goes on my laziness will win over my curiosity and I'll just stop stalking people altogether. SIGH!

Haha. Okay that is all. G'bye!


At 11:07 AM, Blogger Adam said...


I'm really happy you noticed the I am Hungry application (even if it wasn't clear what it does at first). I am Hungry is simply a tool to find friends to eat with. Instead of calling everybody and seeing who is also hungry and free (and in the area), you can post your hunger desires in one place and immediately see what/which of your friends are around to grab food together. Soon we will add more features that will make it easy to find friends to eat with both on and off facebook.


Adam (I am Hungry)


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