Thursday, April 19, 2007

in the world of children's lit...

I am totally up for joining this:


And ANNE OF GREEN GABLES PREQUEL??? Do I even need to say anything more?!?!??!!?!

For those of you who don't understand my level of incredulity, let me just tell you now that I am a hardcore L.M. Montgomery fan. She is my favorite author. Not "one of my favorites," none of that "if I had to choose a children's author" crap. No. She is my favorite. Sappy as hell and all (you really have to appreciate the amount of romantic idealism she channels into her novels, given that her own life was somewhat depressing for her). Admittedly Anne of Green Gables was not my favorite of her books, but...hasn't anybody read Anne of the Island? Rilla of Ingleside? The Blue Castle??? I remember (and I'm sure most of y'all do as well, since I've told this story so many times) weeping profusely as I read Rilla of Ingleside in the waiting room at the optometrist's office. It was really humiliating...but YOU try reading a book about a girl coming of age while watching her brothers and friends go off to WWI without feeling a pang!! That book was wonderful. And The Blue Castle, with sarcastic and solitary Valancy finally living her life the way she's always wanted to?? TOTALLY gives me hope for the future. So there! I'm so glad I grew up reading LMM instead of Lurlene McDaniel.

The End.

PS - Did you know Natalie Babbitt (of Tuck Everlasting fame) has a new book? It's called Jack Plank Tells Tales. I have mixed feelings.


At 12:34 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

haha, your post has perfect timing. i actually watched the second dvd in the canadian making of anne of green gables. it was addicting. i was so indignant when they made gilbert get engaged, instead of waiting loyally for anne, but they kinda redeemed it when he was dying at the end...

remember the emily of new moon series? emily was more moody and "twisty"...haha, i can relate more to her ;)


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