Friday, September 22, 2006


Let me take a moment out of my wonderful day of work to talk about one of my pet peeves.


Not that I dislike escalators, generally speaking. Although I think I have been slightly traumatized by scenes of escalator-induced carnage in horror movies. Where the girl falls and gets her hair caught in the vicious metal grating of a step as the escalator inexorably continues upwards...and lots of screaming ensues...


Don't you hate it when you're at the train station and you've got a minute - just one minute - to get to your platform before the train leaves, and then somebody just HAS to walk in front of you onto the escalator, stands SMACK in the middle, and refuses to budge? And just as you've finally struggled past them, you hear the "door-closing" bell ring, followed swiftly by the telltale electric whining sound of the train rushing away? ARGH!!! That is THE WORST.

It is one of my pet peeves. Okay. The End.


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