Saturday, September 16, 2006

reading list, 9/16/06

Yes, yes, I guess it's distressing that I'm devoting another blog entry to books. But no, I am not going to stop. You can stop reading, though. Always an option. :)

1. hyperion, dan simmons
2. the beginning place, ursula k. le guin
3. everything is illuminated, jonathan safran foer
4. clockwork, philip pullman
5. the bfg, roald dahl
6. the wonder spot, melissa banks
7. one hundred years of solitude, gabriel garcia marquez
8. the prydain chronicles, lloyd alexander
9. sarum, edward rutherfurd
10. the blind assassin, margaret atwood

I have about 30 more that I have to read after I get through the above, but Ha and I agreed today that there has to be some systematic way of attacking them, so I might as well start with a list. Of course, all of these books will be interspersed with other [more trashy] novels for the times when I don't feel like actually digesting my reading material. I've had most of these books for weeks/months/years (or else I've borrowed them from other people...weeks/months/years ago), and have yet to read them. This is going to change, starting NOW.

In the meantime, does anybody want to start a book club with me?? We can read books and then get together to drink wine and talk about them. Or you know. Get together and drink wine.

Tangent: I also seem to enjoy reading books about, um, death. Let's not delve into what this says about me. Two recommendations (which I'm sure y'all have heard me talk about...again and again...):

1. kitchen, banana yoshimoto
2. a fine and private place, peter s. beagle

Such good books!


At 2:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'll be in your book club. :)

im reading 100 years of solitude right now. one word:


At 8:35 AM, Blogger Tandava said...

After Everything is Illuminated, read Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by the same author. Both excellent (and both involve death). EII also happens to be fantastic in the audio version, but EL&IC has lots of visuals so it should definitely be read on paper.

At 12:53 AM, Blogger alexander said...

did you get inspired to write a new entry after we talked? haha. yay! i inspire blogs! tell me when you get into "everything is illuminated" since i have my own copy now. also, if you enjoy books about death, i heard that "stiff" (not sure of the author) is entertaining. it's about corpses and probably rigomortis (sp?) as the title would imply.


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