Monday, September 04, 2006

gordon biersch

Today was Labor Day, and...YES! I went to work!!!

:*[ (crying in despair and misery)
>:O (yelling in anger and bitterness)

I think I've worked every major holiday since April. Not that there have been many. But still, for the sake of my mental health, this needs to stop soon. It's not like I get compensated for this crap. The fact that I kind of hate what I do just adds to the general unhappiness. THIS! MUST! END!!

In other news...

Happily (or maybe not so happily...), Christina had to work today too. So afterwards, she came to pick me up so we could go to Delancey Street for dinner. Now I have to admit that I was hoping that we wouldn't really have to go somewhere fancy to eat gourmet food because not only was I really fucking hungry and not in the mood to wait/refrain from stuffing my face...I was also having one of those days where I feel and look like recycled crap. Now, usually when I feel like this there are only two paths for me to take:

1) dress up and pile on the makeup to [over]compensate; or
2) don't bother with anything because if I feel that shitty, nothing I can do will salvage my appearance.

Today was an Option 2 day.

Delancey Street looked casual, fortunately. Unfortunately, Delancey Street was also closed for Labor Day. So we ended up at Gordon Biersch instead. And you know what that means...


Garlic fries!

I feel a little sick now.
We wolfed down garlic fries, each ordered an entree, and then had key lime cheesecake afterwards. Given the amount of food we typically eat, I really think we should both be a lot bigger than we are, especially Christina. Yeah. Go us!!...

Work tomorrow. Which means...


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