Sunday, August 20, 2006


This week's BART book is Roald Dahl's James and the Giant Peach. Am I the only kid on the block who didn't read this book? As a child I also neglected to read The BFG (which I always get confused with BFD; Big Fucking Day [?] for non-Live105 listeners). Is it THE BFG, or just BFG, btw?

While visiting a bookstore with my friend the other day, I realized that I need to stop splurging (seriously, like half my average month's total expenditure) on books. It pains me to admit this. But I do have two boxes full of books I have yet to read--and let me tell you, these are not small boxes--and I continually purchase more. I think that every time I have a fit of depression (which is, like, monthly...or weekly, if by depression we are talking about moments when I stop to contemplate where my life is heading), I go out and buy more books. It's soothing. And certainly cheaper and more wholesome than therapy sessions. Unfortunately, the books are piling up and I've begun to feel guilty about it. I went out and bought seven books this past weekend. I mean, okay, half of them were from the local used bookstore and the other half were purchased with a coupon...but still. This really needs to stop, at least until I finish reading some of them. And this situation reminds me of that time Kevin asked what percentage of my books I've actually read and I replied with something hopelessly optimistic, like 80% or something. Yeah, I lied. There is no way I've read 80% of my books, unless I start counting all of those Berenstein Bears/Babysitters Club paperbacks. Oh, and let's not forget Richard Scary and Frances the hedgehog and Lucy Maud Montgomery (my all-time favorite author, whose books I still unashamedly dig out of the sacred plastic storage bin in which they are kept so I can read them again).

...I've lost my train of thought. Eh...

Anyway, I guess the point of this post was just to say that I love books. Someday when I retire I will try to go work at a library. (I dreamily considered going into Library Science for about five minutes in the not-so-distant past and my dad almost burst a blood vessel, so that plan is being postponed.) Or maybe I'll take my life savings and open a bookstore. I doubt I can compete with Barnes or Borders but at that point in my life I doubt I'll care. I think it would be fun to have Story Hour for kids. Or a Book-It-like program. I don't know, though...Do you think I would turn into one of those scary dragon ladies at the library who wear horn-rimmed glasses and shriek at small children for not putting books back on the right shelf?!? I'm scared. I can see road rage and neuroses translating into this eventuality.


At 12:35 AM, Blogger Disgruntled Dater said...

But at least you would be the fashionable scary dragon-lady-librarian!

Or at least the interestingly-dressed dragon-lady-librarian :)

Isn't it funny how we've almost turned going-to-bookstores into a vice?

At 12:43 AM, Blogger mini said...

my room sounds like your thoughts.

but im still splurging. and making my room a bigger mess....

depression is expensive dont you think?

At 6:37 PM, Blogger Tandava said...

Oh, man, I'm with you on the bibliophilia. Try out, though, and see if you can get some of your book fix by trading the ones you've already got. It's fun, and considerably cheaper. :-)


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