Sunday, August 24, 2008


Did you ever write poetry in elementary school? I believe I had quite a talent for it—when I was seven, that is. Back then teachers were just grateful when kids understood enough of the directions to rhyme words. I think I wrote a poem about the American flag (something along the lines's red, it's blue, and oh! it's white, too!), that somehow got printed in our school newsletter. I think that was the first and last time I ever saw a school newsletter.

I tried to write a poem today. Given the backstory, I'm sure you understand why I had an EPIC FAIL.

More on this later.

PS - Has anybody gotten the new Vogue? It's got about 700 pages or something, which (to my Cheap Asian Heart) screams "good bargain!!" I own about 3 copies of Vogue, total, and somehow they all have Keira Knightley on their covers. I don't think I have a crush on her...?


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