Guess where I am?

You know, I can actually tell the story of my current life-situation with explodingdog pictures. It goes something like this:
The week before last, I worked 10-15 hrs/day to meet my deadlines. This was my state:

But I was resigned to the situation because I knew I'd be going on vacation soon. So after a very...difficult...time, I left for a week of sunshine and happiness on a big boat. Hurrah!

(That's me in the back wielding an oar in ecstasy.)
But alas, I had to come back.

Unfortunately, that's when it started. Red warning lights going off...

Plus a general feeling of gloom and doom...

Mild hysteria and extreme disbelief that they could be expecting me to complete last week's work this week PLUS this week's work...

It wasn't long, however, before the ugly truth dawned...

Which has left me feeling exhausted, to say the least.

All the same, I'm sure you'll be glad to hear that I AM GOING TO MAKE IT. I hope.

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