Monday, April 03, 2006


Today was a phenomenally awkward day. Or maybe just phenomenally retarded. I'm not sure. I had forgotten that when you stay away from a technical field, then try to go back, you've got to be mentally prepared to feel like the world's biggest moron.

Not that I had much to relearn. But I haven't used AutoCAD in about five years (and even then, it was AutoCAD 2000 I used, not 2006...), and I don't know any of the jargon from the field, so I was basically a clueless idiot during the two meetings I attended today. And then I just kept making all these extremely dumb mistakes all day. ALL DAY. I'll spare my pride and not go into the details of my random acts of supreme idiocy. Let it suffice to say I sucked.

I am sad. :( Let's hope the rest of the week is better.


At 10:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jen!

Don't worry too much about this its always the same when you start working in a skilled profession...I guarentee that in two weeks you'll be doing great...

Yay Jen!


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