Tuesday, December 20, 2005

handy-snack carrots

I discovered these handy-snack carrots in the refrigerator last week and I've been having them as breakfast for the past four out of six total workdays. I really like them! Of course, this could be because I've been dousing each carrot piece in salad dressing (which pretty much negates whatever health gain I could have hoped to get from them, I guess). Do you think my night vision will still get better?

When I was a year old, my mother went on a health kick and fed me a load of carrots. She says I seemed to like them a lot--and who was she to argue with natural impulses?--so she continued feeding them to me until my face and hands turned BRIGHT RED. My grandpa had to make her stop.

Situations like this seem to have arisen with alarming frequency throughout my childhood.


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